# 1 Moderation in ALL things. (the Greeks knew what they were talking about)
# 2 Know Yourself (to thine own self be true... as some smarmy brit once said)
# 3 Trust Yourself (very close to #2 but not quite... you need both plus...)
# 4 Forgive Yourself (you won't get them all right)
# 5 Labor is LOVE (it's not enough to feel and wax poetic, do something )
# 6 Be Polite (little things CAN mean alot )
# 7 Timing is Everything (often the difference between success and failure is nothing but the randomness of the timing.)
# 8 Attitude is Everything (lack of many skills can be overcome with the proper application of attitude)
# 9 Might makes Right (in a perfect world this would not be true... you don't live in a perfect world)
#10 You will only really appreciate the things for which you work hard ( and they feel really great )
#11 Trust ... but Verify ( one wrong judgement can ruin alot of hard work )
#12 Character / Integrity / Strength / Courage of your Convictions are conditions to aspire to and work toward in yourself and to constantly assess and re-assess in others. ( Character is not a destination, once attained, it is not maintained without effort. It is a condition. Much like financial, spiritual, and physical health. Once attained, it requires maintenance to preserve)
stephen h. smith 8.11.99