28 August 2006

Zimmie's still got it

Zimmie's still got it.

Bob Dylan, master of self-promotion and hyperbole, who never told a lie that wasn't true (to his ultimate purpose, of which only he, if anybody, knew), says "I don't know anybody who's made a record that sounds decent in the past 20 years, really".

Ouch! That covers alot of ground in a few words. Except that he doesn't mean it literally, but does so generally. Which, in the vast realm of Dylan-speak, is ironically, not much hyperbole at all, but rather all too unfortunately, accurate.

For 'shock value', and "ink/facetime" the mission was accomplished. But try not to dwell on his words for too long, as more than four decades of Dylan has demonstrated time and time again, "thinking too much will paralyze you".

Sometimes it is better to "feel" things. Like that feeling you got when you first read his most recent quote about the sound of modern recordings being "atrocious" and said to yourself "Yep"!

And it is that instant internal response that tells you all you need to know with no further examination necessary.

And that is the genius of Bob Dylan in his music and his too damned occasional statements.

stephen h. smith