28 August 2006

Remember Which 3000 ?

For those who may yet still have that "Remember the 3000" bumpersticker on their cars, a common sight in 2002, you may wish to remove it, as it will soon be likely to confuse the drivers behind you.

With today's announcement from the Pentagon, the toll of Americans lost in Afghanistan and Iraq has crossed 2,950, in contrast to the 2973 souls lost on 9.11. With, as yet, still no discernable Bush Administration policy or criteria, for "victory" or withdrawal.

And now, with anniversaries and elections coming up, the economy flirting with recession, and a neverending supply of weather, plane, and celebrity stories to fill the evening news, one can only hope that the American electorate can come to see past the distractions and force "their" government to change it's policy, before the printers begin making "Remember the 4000", or "5000", or "10000" bumperstickers.
