27 August 2006

444 Hours . . . a History lesson

Perhaps an "ancient" History lesson to most Americans, as it occurred over 5 years ago, well before 9-11, and even then was only a secondary story for a few days.

But I believe it is worth noting, especially in retrospect, that within 444 hours of taking the oath of office, President George W. Bush ordered U.S. aircraft to attack radar and communications facilities on the outskirts of Baghdad. The first attack of it's kind in over two years.

Two dozen U.S. and British aircraft carried out the attacks on 16 February 2001, killing several and wounding dozens (including civilians), supposedly in response to the increase in Iraqi radar "targeting" of planes enforcing the unilaterally-imposed "No Fly-Zone". (though no coalition aircraft were lost, or even hit, during the 12 years of it's enforcement)

The main story of those days was the historic, precedent-breaking, first foreign visit by W to Mexico, in stark contrast to the traditional destination, Canada.

Historically significant? I think so.

Make of it what you will.
