16 April 2008

The 3 Most Obvious Things about Hillary

the 3 most obvious things about Hillary are the very 3 things that will prevent her from winning the Democratic nomination.
(unless the "unspeakable" happens)

Hillary is a Woman
Hillary is a Clinton
Hillary is .. Hillary

all of her adult life, Hillary has worked in a field dominated by men, and for the past 28 years, men predisposed to espouse 'conservative' rhetoric/image/values (irrespective of reality), to gain electoral victory. thus she has worked, especially since winning elected office, to emulate the success formula by developing a centrist resume and a reputation/record of being "tough" (like a man/leader).

the advantages afforded by her marriage to a Clinton, along with his historical record, now hamper her efforts as much or more than they help.

but ultimately, Hillary is herself, and but a few minutes of television and/or headlines everyday for a few months has revealed her true self to all who have paid any attention.

THE TIMES HAVE SO CHANGED... and Hillary did not have the foresight to see it coming. but even so, should the "unspeakable" happen and Hillary became the Democratic nominee by default, the three obvious things would still only be enough to make her victory in November "a close run thing".

that is how desperate the American people are for CHANGE.