14 June 2007

Politics-Cockfighting Parallels

The more I think about it, the more curious the parallels become between Politics and Cockfighting.

Both are bloodsports in which a lot of money and pride of ownership is at stake. Both practices are often contrary to the law and correctly viewed by those with a developed ethical code as morally dubious at best.

Both involve combatants that are essentially worthless in any other capacity, especially after their utility is expended, (except for legend/legacy purposes) and neither can stand the sight of another of their kind. (especially one more colourful or muscular)

All of which compels me to assert that perhaps the proper way for any citizen to view a Politician is the same way one should view a GameCock. Find one that is particularly adept at fighting the battles you want fought. (a long history of breeding and success is useful but not necessarily determinative)

But for goodness sake do not become emotionally attached to them. For, sooner or later, they are bound to disappoint, and there will always be another one take it's place. And certainly take great care in investing in one, financially or emotionally, because if you get caught, or buy the wrong one, the monetary and social-standing consequences can be everlasting.

And lastly, keep a sharp eye on them, lest their wattles begin to grow back.
