With but one simple step, all of the history of the Anglo-Saxons in North America, turns into one long tunnel. Viewable from it's beginning to the present day, instead of a jagged and complicated series of epic conflicts, happenstance, and chance. In short, it is the linear continuity of the protestant/mercantilist ethic of creating and imposing by force, a commercial state, protected and expanded by military means, driven by profit, wrapped in the artificial patchwork cloaks of libertarian philosophy and a religion's dogma.
The simple step is the 'contrarian's assumption'. All one has to do is assert that "everything is the way it is now, on purpose". It is a short step, but one many find impossible to make. It literally means the difference between staring at a "wall of confusion" more than a mile high, and staring down a corridor of a thousand open doors, through which the path is easily discerned all the way back to it's beginning.
From America's discovery to it's current incarnation. Through the birth of the United States, the first Industrial Revolution, the Civil War, Manifest Destiny, Foreign Wars for territories and profit, the second Industrial Revolution of Transportation and Telecommunications, Three World Wars, up to the present Nuclear and Digital ages, the consolidation and centralization of power in the tiny city on the north shore of the Potomac River has consistently paralleled the acquisition of territories, exploitation of markets and natural resources, military technological capabilities, and financial hegemony. To the point where today, nothing happens in any corner of the entire globe without coming under the unblinking gaze of it's ever watching satellite eyes or free from it's increasingly large military and financial thumb upon the scales.
That which it cannot control it seeks to destroy. That which it cannot destroy it marginalizes. Divide, Conquer, Consolidate. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. The only thing beyond it's abilities is the weather, and even that is now in it's sights for future use.
And you may say "what about an individual's spirit"? That was their first item on the to-do list. From the invention of monotheism to the scientology derivative, the effective channeling of an individual's communal instincts has been the most effective means of controlling the masses for millenia. And when combined with nationalism and race creates a force exponentially more powerful than the sum of it's parts. Which is why it has been so diligently undermined and thwarted since it's last incarnation seventy years ago.
Throughout the history of mankind those sick in spirit have sought to profit exponentially from the labors of others by exploiting every greed, prejudice, and insecurity contained somewhere within every human. Those sick in spirit have had alot of practice and they have gotten quite good at what they do. No status-quo or flux-conflict anywhere in the world today cannot be traced back to the machinations of a group of people whose "enlightenment" was seeded in the counties of southern England over four centuries ago. And every man, woman, and child alive today, and for the foreseeable future, will pay a very high price for the greed-filled errors of that ghastly group.