Mark Warner's "surprise" non-declaration yesterday set off many an alarm for us POTUS 2008 watchers. Evoking memories of Muskie, Hart, and Cuomo, a full month before the mid-term elections that traditionally mark the 'un-official' beginning of the race for the Presidency.
WTF? Why now? What possible benefit does Warner gain from saying "NO" at this time, as opposed to waiting a few more months for the post-mid-term election 'buzz' to at least bandy his name about for a short while, and thereby gain a bit of 'stature' for use in the more distant future?
I think I know. Warner is a leading light amongst the sect of Democrats led by the DLC. Known for their 'pro-war', 'centrist' policy stands, and made famous by another popular 'southern' Governor in 1992. This group is commonly referred to a 'GOP-lite' by the anti-war, anti-big business, large left wing of the Democratic party.
Warner's refusal to so much as step up to the starting line is intended to send a message to all the other potential nomination seekers. The message is "don't bother even trying". This message is especially intended for Gore, Edwards, Kerry, and Feingold. Democrats whose solid and 'damascus-like' anti-war pronouncements could reveal deep divisions inside the party during the primaries of 2008 and potentially cripple the DLC-supported nominee Hillary Rodham Nixon.
Yes I said Nixon, not Clinton.
Hillary has always been Nixon, despite her 'Goldwater-girl' protestations. Her formative experiences working on the Watergate committee taught her what mistakes to avoid when conducting political sabotage operations from within the Oval Office. Knowledge that proved very useful to her husband during his impeachment. Bill's formative experiences led him to emulate JFK, with incremental policy changes interspersed between sexual conquests, which set the stage for George W. Bush's massive war and social expenditures, ala LBJ.
How 'History' doth repeat itself?
So in honor of Hillary's "Nixon-ness" and in light of her success at raising money, maintaining a political campaign organization, and increasing her 'profile' to near the point of "inevitability", which has already intimidated one top-tier potential challenger, I hereby dub her, for future reference, "Tricky Dick-less"!
Sexist, yes I know, and not nearly as poetic as "Slick Willie", but nevertheless damned accurate.
The only 'historical' question left now is "Who will be her 'George Wallace' ?"