In other words, more "political ju-jitsu/grandstanding" concentrated into a few months, than anyone alive in the U.S. has ever seen before in their lifetimes. No subject, not culture, finance, or even weather will go unexploited as the "Mighty Wurlitzer" grinds out it's "stay the course" dirge.
It has in fact, already begun. And if current trends hold and the results of next tuesday's primary in Connecticut ring Lieberman's bell, the ensuing roar will deafen the electorate to any words, on any issue, by any politician running for office, other than where they stand on one simple question:
"Are you for or against President Bush's policies on Iraq and the "War on Terror"?"
The results of the November 7 elections are "do or die" for Karl Rove and George W. Bush. Failure to retain GOP control of the House and/or Senate would threaten to reverse every "success" of their tenure and set the stage for the uncovering and prosecution of crimes (costing millions of dollars in legal fees and man-hours for dozens (hundreds?) of current and former executive branch personnel) in the worst case. And in the least, a substantial reduction in the latitude formerly granted to the "plenary" powers of a "unitary" executive/C-i-C/ "wartime" President.
Losing power, real power, would likely shatter the egos and psyche's of those who have wielded it for so long that they have come to believe it their divine right, but to face investigations, possibly indictments, and convictions? Power can be regained, as can millions of dollars, but time in prison cannot!
Which is why there is a danger looming that requires this WARNING .
If the GOP loses control of the House of Reps. and the Senate on 7 November, George W. Bush will have just over 60 days left of "unlimited" executive power before the new Congress is sworn in. And in light of his past actions, the danger will be it's most acute. (see Nixon 1970)
What would he do?
What could he do?
Well, because of "Executive Orders", what he could do is literally any damn thing he wants to. (and let it be fought over in courts for years to come) And if I know Dick Cheney, what he would do is start another war. It would be immoral, unethical, probably illegal, and certainly short-sighted, but damned "smart" politics.
Such is the consequence of the evolution of the "American Experiment", the "constitutional republic", and it's elections. Lincoln warned us of "new reapers" and their ambitions. Though Abe was serving notice of his own intentions when he spoke at the Lyceum in 1838, he was also prophesying the coming of a couple of Roosevelts, a Wilson, a Truman, and not one, but two Bushes. (Though it took George Herbert Walker Bush to show the best place to hide real executive power from public and congressional scrutiny, and Richard Cheney learned very well)
What will the American voters do? And what will happen during the next 95 days to influence their decision? Judging from the current headlines, almost anything imaginable could happen, and I do mean "anything". And as for the decision, you only have to wait a few more months to find out.
In the meantime, try to enjoy the "circus" as much as possible, and try to take what comfort you can from this: If you think it's bad now, 2008 will be worse.
And never say you weren't WARNED !
stephenhsmith 3Aug2006