The presidency of George W. Bush has less than 1000 days until it's end, unless Divine Providence intercedes. (Now wouldn't that be IRONIC?)
It's conduct so far has served to prove, once again, Gore Vidal's caustic, but accurate, assertion :
"If you give a pansy a gun, he will shoot up the whole place."
Add in countless minions, egging him on, and you have a disaster that will require generations to clean up. In this way George W. has already carved his legacy, equalling T.Roosevelt, Truman, and Lyndon Johnson, who were also, "accidental" Presidents.
Perhaps in some far away corner of America, or more appropriately on Wall Street, an enterprising sculptor could emblazon their images together, in miniature of course, in a parody called "Mount Hushmore", to commemorate those Presidents of whom we should speak no more?