EXIT STRATEGY! I would imagine those words are guaranteed to still cause chuckles at the White House, especially when Cheney is there and awake.
Have you not yet caught on to the fact that there NEVER was any EXIT STRATEGY?
It is 2006 already, "elections" have taken place in Iraq, a "constitution" hammered out, even a "unity" government formed, not to mention the scores of thousands of "police/soldiers" trained during the past 30 months.
And what does the U.S. have to show for it?
A fragmented "state" that still cannot control it's own capitol, even with U.S. military assistance. And a sectarian "civil war" still growing, that only takes the lives of a few dozen Iraqis on a "good" day. On top of hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer's dollars already spent.
And why is that?
Because it is the U.S. policy/strategy to create and perpetuate a permanent military presence in Iraq in order to control the OIL markets and eliminate "real" threats/challenges to Israel.
Thus the rationale for the immediate dismantling of the Iraqi Army/Police after "Mission Accomplished", the subsequent fomenting of sectarian strife via "the democracy crusade", and the successful attraction of thousands of foreign 'jihadists' to Iraq who dutifully provide the death and destruction necessary to keep the "instability premium" in the price of a barrel of OIL.
Add in a few atrocities and a cartoon here and there, to inflame resentment Muslim-wide and remind the conquered, and the as yet unconquered, just who is the Boss, and you have the successful implementation of a decades-old plan/dream to "reshape" the Middle East.
The lies necessary to consolidate American public support for such a policy were manufactured and disseminated by a thoroughly self-interested corporate structure. And they are reaping the benefits as they expected.
Today's headlines are revealing a heretofore hidden nuance of the U.S. policy, the "splinter" strategy. Having successfully exploited the 911 attacks by Sunni jihadists from Afghanistan into a U.S. invasion and occupation of Shia-dominated Iraq, the first step in the "splinter" strategy has been accomplished. To insert the "splinter" into the finger so deeply that it cannot be gotten out. And let it fester to the point where the finger, and eventually the hand, is no longer of effective use.
The second phase of the "splinter" strategy is being implemented now, within and beyond Iraq. To foment and exacerbate the historical animosity between Sunni and Shia Muslims. To "splinter" them, (divide and conquer) so that they do not unite to form an effective solid block against the Western "democracies".
They cannot allow another Nasser to ascend to the leadership of an Arab (or Persian) muslim state. Hence the simultaneous promotion of "democracy" across the Middle East with the undermining and, if necessary, destruction of any group that succeeds in getting themselves elected, if their policies do not conform to U.S. "interests".
Hamas, Hezbollah, and Sunni Iraqis, have already experienced the efficacy of this strategy. The 'mission' will not be completed until Iran is also effectively isolated, marginalized, or "reshaped". And only Iran's ability to acquire/produce nuclear weapons can force an alteration in the calculus of U.S. and Israeli policy/strategy.
But the U.S. and Israel are in no great hurry. They have plenty of time, militarily and economically. Only in the political arena is there any need for haste. The dozen or so "enduring" bases constructed and under construction in Iraq will provide the U.S. military with the means to "influence" events in the Middle East for decades to come, whether Iran has nuclear weapons or not.
And the "instability " of a fractious muslim Middle East, inspired by the words of a prophetic and enabled Bin Laden, his successors, and imitators, will serve the interests of the U.S. and Israel, by calling millions of young muslims to Jihad or psuedo 'pro-democracy "revolutions", instead of working to attain power within their respective state's government and commercial apparatus.
It's going to be a long "war" indeed.