And if my crystal ball is working properly, (one never knows with these damn things) I see a radically different world being thrust upon us before April Fools Day 2006.
How so?
Perhaps one great thing, or possibly several. Maybe even a handful of big things, but certainly not a basketful of little things like we have been experiencing the past couple of years.
Invasions, Escalations, Recalibrations, Deaths (natural and/or un-natural), Terrorist attacks (pre-planned or spontaneous), Unexpected Electoral Outcomes (already a trend) etc. etc. etc. Whatever IT will be, it will not be of temporary consequence.
Whether I am channeling Nostradamus or Jean Dixon, the "events" of this March will make memories that will last the rest of our lives. Whether it is more like August 1914, October 1929, or as "inconsequential" as March 1968, is as yet unknown. But we are all facing a definitive fork in the road.
Be prepared!
A short list of possibilities...
Al Quaeda attacks Israel (influencing their elections)
Al Quaeda attacks Saudi Arabia (successfully cutting OIL supply)
Saudi Arabia gets a new King
The United States gets a new Vice-President
Pakistan gets a new President/CiC
Iran demonstrates/announces it's nuclear capability
Mubarek gets Sadat-ed
and on and on and on...
stephenhsmith 1Mar2006