31 March 2006

April is here... lookout

No momentous, "where were you when...", world-changing event has occurred, as I had predicted at the beginning of the month. (although there are still a dozen hours left to go) Only more ominous rumblings of an impending tectonic shift, though the frequency seems to be increasing.

The PATRIOT ACT has been finalized and would require a revolution to overturn. U.S. troops committing atrocities in Iraq (both perceived and real), the 'heavy-meddling' pre-requisite to the coming new order whereby U.S. forces 'retreat' to their 'permanent' bases in order to oversee the evolving Iraqi 'civil war', substituting air-power for manpower (per the Israeli model, thus reducing U.S. casualties while increasing Iraqi's) and conditioning the American public for the next step in "the great game".

As always, the "powers that be" are preparing a substitute for the "war on terror" should the American public balk decisively against the next escalation. A new and improved COLD WAR II stands ready to take it's place atop U.S. foreign policy concerns. Only this time around, the U.S. will likely find itself with far fewer "allies". Could the Monroe Doctrine be circling back around on itself?

To see what is likely coming in time to prepare, ask yourself "What policies and events would reap the most benefits to the armaments industries (including OIL), the U.S. national-security state's drive for even more power over it's subjects, and of course, the Banks?" (Crony-Capitalism at it's finest (worst?) with the 'pursuit of happiness' be damned and 'security' first)

A nuclear-powered Iran (backed by the Sovi.. oops, the Russians and the Chinese) seems to fit the bill quite nicely. Who could ask for a scarier 'bugaboo' that would compel the American public into supporting/enduring even higher fuel prices, longer and larger overseas troop deployments, greater accumulation of government powers, and of course, debt?

The by-product of Double-digit INFLATION, serving to reduce the impact of welfare promises made by the 'Great Society', kicking in just in time for the Baby Boomers, well, that would constitute a "bonus" now wouldn't it ?

And if you still think that an election or two could significantly change the course we're on, well... bless your little heart!
