05 December 2005

More Scandal = More War

A scandal here, a scandal there
To most it's just a bore
But the "unintended" consequence
Will be, another WAR

The only thing more important to a Politician than staying in office, is... staying out of prison.

The Bush Administration is facing a 2006 that has the potential for a political shift in power equal to 1994.

Fitzgerald has a new grand jury, the AIPAC and 'Scooter' Libby trials are sheduled for the spring, the tentacles of Abramoff's "lobbying" reach further with each passing week, and congressional Republicans are regularly getting caught imitating the arrogance, corruption, and fiscal irresponsibility of the pre-1994 conclaves.

With the President's poll numbers down, the Economy doing half great/half terrible, and even another hurricane season to go before the elections, the Democrats have good reason to hope.

But the Bush Administration has a "trump" card yet to play. The groundwork for which is already substantially laid.

It is WAR.

Should legal, economic, and political events conspire to create a public expectation of Democrats gaining control of the Senate and/or House of Representatives before August of 2006, U.S. armed forces will go into action in Syria or Iran.

The playing of such a "WAR" card will work well enough to shore up the Republican base turnout in the elections and keep the Senate/House from changing hands.

And why is that so important?

Because, "The only thing more important to a Politician than staying in office, is... staying out of prison."

A Democrat-controlled Senate, or especially the House, would seek and obtain the documentation and testimony necessary to put scores of Administration officials and their Media enablers in the court docket.

And that is the primary reason why U.S. forces will be engaged in yet another exercise in "regime change" in the Middle East in 2006.
