by SHS 9.23.02
1. that there is a "secret" court that presides over questions of "intelligence" gathering.
2. that the CIA and FBI are woefully inadequate to the tasks of modern threats
3. that the INS is a dumping ground for incompetent federal employees
4. that thousands of our airports' employees are illegal immigrants
5. that the Bush Administration, within hours of the attacks, made plans to attack Iraq.
6. that there are serious questions of competency of US forces in a head to head firefight (tora bora)
7. that the Bush DOJ will indict, convict, and bankrupt an entire large corporation for the conduct of a few individuals. (arthur anderson)
8. that the Bush DOJ will not indict large corporations who have measurably more criminality than AA, but have ties to U.S. national security concerns. (WorldCom and Global Crossing)
9. that new federal regulations mandating the inspection of baggage at airports cannot be met within a year, even with the significantly reduced air traffic flow.
10. that Bill Clinton is even more shameless than previously imagined. (fight & die for Israel, letterman 9.11.02)
11. that Bill & Hillary can't keep their stories straight (chelsea on 9.11.01 and bin laden offer from Sudan)
12. that a famous female multi-millionaire can be so greedy and so stupid as to risk jail and lose millions for a lousy few thousand dollars.
13. that the American electorate has acquired a distaste for candidates that remind them of 1998. (reno, barr, reich, bowles)
14. that Democrats in three Florida counties cannot conduct an election competently even after millions of dollars in new technology is invested.
15. that a major television network has no problem with digitally replacing 'boo's' with applause for a public figure for subsequent re-airings of the program and sale of recordings.
16. that white powder is not something most people want to inhale anymore
17. that the pledge of allegiance was written by a socialist jingoist a hundred years ago and amended in the 1950's by anti-communists to include the phrase 'under God'.
18. that John Doe #2 may be the most significant politically motivated suppression and dereliction of duty by the US Government since Pearl Harbor.
19. that David Brock spent time in a mental hospital (previously suspected now confirmed)
20. that this country is not serious about immigration reform for the most base political and economic reasons.
21. that powerful institutional leaders will use lies, intimidation, and money to suppress public scandal, whether they be in big business, government, or the Catholic Church.
22. that plagiarism is no longer a disqualifying offense for media personalities (ambrose, kearns-goodwin, barnicle)
23. that the ubiquity of video cameras now means it is entirely possible that your stupidest behavior may well be caught on tape for everyone in the nation to see and pontificate upon.
24. that ice-skating is not a sport
25. that the Bush Administration publicly confirms to the rest of the world that the U.S. indeed is exactly what they have always said we were: Immature, Imperialist-Cowboys.