13 November 2005

Random Rants

In the age of Lexus-Nexus, Google, videotape, internet blogs, etc... it is difficult to understand how any politician could reply to a reporter's question with the words "I never said that". Yet that is exactly what happened twice this week.
U.S. Vice-President, Dick Cheney flabbergasted Gloria Borger with those words and a few days later Ahmed Chalabi did same.
It is almost impossible to believe that either man in either instance, had simply forgotten what they had said, therefore the logical conclusion is that they really don't care. Hubris now has an expanded definition.
Thus, I guess, it has been "pretty well confirmed" that they are "Heroes in Error". Depending of course, on what your definition of "Hero" is?

Another cretinous crony-capitalist has figured out how to escape the "aggravating" quarterly paperwork of the paltry legislative fixes enacted in the aftermath of the Enron/WorldCom revelations. Go Private. This time it is Georgia-Pacific, selling out, (or is it "selling in?) to Koch for $13 billion and change. I suspect this will become a growing trend as corporate profits, (or more accurately, the ability to "show" profits) gets squeezed on the coming Inflation escalator.

And to top it all off, some folks in California want taxpayers to fork over $ 9 billion to build an 11 mile tunnel under a mountain, in order to relieve traffic congestion. The fact that it is in an earthquake zone is only of minor concern.

13 nov 2005