... or also, Ding-Dong Likud is Dead !
Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel, continues his quest to be remembered even more fondly than the assassinated Shimon Peres.
Isn't it strange how life-long warriors turn toward peacemaking in their sunset years? (Eisenhower, Reagan, Henry II, etc.) So now the Likud (Zion Uber Alles) party is to be split, while Peretz tries to maintain the Labour (Subsidy Uber Alles) party. I wonder how many converts will join Sharon's new "Security Uber Alles" party, whatever it's name is? And how soon West Bankers will have before they too have to pack up and go?
One thing is for sure, if Ariel catches the bullet he's been seeking all his life, the reactions will not bode well for the Likud party. (unless Bibi also catches the "Ariel" flu)
stephen h smith
21 nov 2005