25 May 2008

Brave NEW World

... or, "all this too must pass" for muleboy ist movink to:

but before i go, i must say...

"Thank You
Hillary Rodham Clinton"

"... following in the footsteps of the past ten years of Madeleine Albright, Pat Schroeder, Geraldine Ferraro, Janet Reno, Condoleeza Rice, Harriett Miers, Janis Karpinski, Katherine's Harris and Blanco, Nancy Pelosi, and countless others... your Presidential campaign has proven beyond any doubt, that women can be just as ruthless, unethical, petty, corrupt, selfish, dishonest, barbaric, incompetent, devious, and arrogant, as any man or men who've ever lived. and if that is not "equality", i can't imagine what could be."

thankya again, bye-bye