John McCain has, according to Hillary Clinton, "a lifetime of experience he would bring to the Oval Office". Yet that "lifetime" consists of two distinct phases. the first is of a youth spent growing up in a military household, and then wearing the uniform himself. following in the footsteps (carved path?) of his father and grandfather (both Admirals in the U.S. Navy), McCain spent decades training to use, and using, military force.
afterwards, for the past quarter-century plus, McCain's public service has consisted of elected office in Washington D.C. where he has largely focused on "defense"/foreign policy issues when not working to solidify and perpetuate the upper-classes' monopoly on power.
for over five decades John McCain has focused almost entirely on training to use military force and deciding when and how to use that force. it is almost literally, all he knows.
therefore, in my opinion, McCain will be consistent when the time comes later this year to make his first "Presidential-level" decision, the choice of a running-mate for Vice-President. a selection that will be most revealing of his character and priorities, and will have a far-reaching impact on the election and the future of the GOP beyond.
i will be most surprised if McCain does not select Rudy Giuliani for VP.