01 January 2008

F U 2008

Americans love sequels, so get ready for 1968 II.
with some predictions by muleboy303...

Several beltway reporters drown when a Cat3 Hurricane comes ashore in the U.S. because the politicians whose campaigns they are covering, scramble to be televised standing in the driving winds and rain alongside the weathermen.

CHINA has it's coming out party (not gay, Olympics. vote-rigging topic of the day)

Record number of Church Burnings reported in U.S.

Another WAR (or reasonable facsimile) in the Balkans.

Fidel LIVES. (to see the 11th US President since his 'revolution')

GOLD & OIL hit new all time highs as US Dollar goes other way.
DOW remains in 10% channel due to Inflation offsetting profit stagnation.

W's approval ratings climbs to 44% (prophetic, due to his soon departure)

and in May, June, July 2009 an unprecedented reduction in the US birth rate baffles scientists * (possible exception... the Spears family) found to be caused by a near cessation of "relations" between the sexes after Hillary Clinton's nomination/campaign from 9 months earlier.