over $108 MILLION in 7 years (since BC42's leaving office)
= $1.135 MILLION per month or... $37,000 per DAY
= $1.28 MILLION per month or... $42,000 per DAY
(ironically the same as Arkansan's median income for one YEAR)
$108M - $34M(taxes) - $10M (gifting) = $64M /84months
= $761,ooo per month, $25,ooo per day, $1,042 per hour
2 lawyers, 1 a former President, 1 a future President*
(*at billing time, pardon the pun)
for $521/hour each (net)
24 hours a day, every day since George W. has been POTUS
"i know living in New York is expensive, but DAMN...
or maybe they just missed the '80's ("decade of greed")
and are catching up"
*p.s. does not include NY State taxes
which i'm sure are a bitch