"These are examples of a kind of racism that is rarely seen in our country in this day and age, the racism of political expediency. When it is to Governor Clinton's benefit in a campaign or the molding of his "image", he will make a very public show of small acts, while allowing a never-ending myriad of small scale injustices to perpetuate themselves. To correct them would cost Clinton favor with the people whose support will be necessary if he is to be successful in his life-long drive for the Presidency of the United States. For his ultimate success, Bill Clinton is entirely willing to play "racial politics" and to allow disadvantaged people to be denied equal rights, equal treatment, and equal protection under the law." ... stephenhsmith july 1992
... from Muleboy's archives, summer of '92 ... a list and a concluding observation
ADDENDUM: such "political calculations" by the Clintons in 1992 were arguably defendable, in light of 12 straight years of GOP occupation of the White House, and after all, they did WIN! (or as James Carville put it "they didn't so much as 'break' the GOP electoral college lock, as 'picked' it) yet the Clintons are evidently stuck in 1992 (and arguably 2002) when obviously, by the fundraising totals, delegate count, and popular vote count in favor of Obama, the times and methods have changed.
but the Clintons have not.
stephenhsmith 25Mar2008