25 October 2007

There is a Difference

There are very large differences between:

1. What I wish to happen

2. What I expect to happen

3. What I wish to happen as a result of what I expect to happen.

For example, I do not trust and do not like Hillary Rodham Clinton (especially when she says something with which I agree), but I certainly expect her to be the next President of the United States.

I like and wish that Ron Paul would be the next President, (though I do not agree with him on all subjects and if by some miracle he were elected, would expect him to be hamstrung by the establishment system, thus yielding little more than a "moral victory"... a.k.a. a step in the proper direction)

What I wish to happen as a result of the expected election of Hillary Rodham Clinton, is for the people of the United States to finally and fully recognize that the political system of their ancestors is irrevocably broken, requiring it's dissolution, the re-writing of laws, and the re-drawing of multiple national boundaries. Such a result is as yet, beyond the realm of a "reasonable" expectation, but is daily becoming more within the bounds of "possibility".

Thus, to recap:

I fully expect Hillary to be the NEXT President of the United States.

It is my wish that,

Hillary will be the LAST President of the UNITED States.