05 September 2007

The Sight of the Conditioned

Oh how those who've been
thoroughly conditioned
must look upon those
who've yet not
through the prism
of their own reflections?
as a brutish and cowardly lot?

Or spoiled and selfish and greedy?
idealistic to an absurd degree?
or but symptoms of
youth and prosperity
no longer beholden to thee?

Just as real
to the aged and advantaged
perhaps why they so quickly
without pausing to answer
this question
'ever wonder
how they look to them'?

'Tis a natural order of things
it's inherent in a system
to condition
just as naturally
there are
the contrarians
they are those
who must fight
the transition

As salmon must battle the currents
for the chance
that their kind may last
so are those who must fight
for a future
not repeating mistakes
from the past

Always fearing
that none of it matters
akin to holding back tides
and their efforts will go
the die's cast
only Nature decides

But 'Civilization' is
to go against Nature
for only as much
as can be beared
to go faster
requires no courage
to slow down
is what must be dared

So hark, and reject
the conditioning
or face the inevitable wrath
the famine
of a soulless dictatorship
at the end
of our nature's cruel path
