1. Hillary will be the 44th President of the United States.
2. Iran will become a Nuclear Power (weapons) w/o being attacked.
3. at least 4 major, fully-funded POTUS candidates on 2008 ballot.
1. a done deal, "groomed for the slot", HRC will continue 90% of the Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush policies. (including most of the "unitary executive", "war on terror", and Presidential records secrecy)
2. an Iran with Nuclear Weapons will provide the U.S. Government with the rationale to keep a large quantity of troops in Iraq for decades, as well as provide U.S. "Missile Shield" makers with new lucrative markets.
3. HRC will be elected in 2008 with a lower percentage of votes than Nixon in '68, Bill Clinton in '92, or quite possibly Lincoln in 1860 (39.9%) due to the presence of at least 4, possibly 5, major, fully-funded, candidates on the ballot in every state.