06 October 2006



or vice-versa, depending on whether you watch the Foley saga as entertainment, or as 'vital to the nation's future', or both.

Either way, so far, precious little pussy is involved. (unless you count Ann Coulter's assertions, and several juries are still out on her)

You can't spit in Washing-town D.C. (where everything, and I mean everything is laundered... money, ethics, truth, civil rights, etc.) without hitting a Grade-A, Olympics-class Hypocrite, but who would've imagined before last week that they would include a member of the "Velvet-Mafia", who turns out to be the stupidest typist since Elizabeth Ray, and get this, is a REPUBLICAN ?

And come to find that there are Queers in Oklahoma?

And former 'ratfuckers' and 'JAG-offs' in Arkansas?

All of whom have been angling since college, to someday take their place in the Congressional ante-rooms, with pages of their own?

Will the circle be unbroken?

Damnifino! I doubt it.

But in the meantime, in these last few sanguine days before the elections or before the Israelis light up Teheran, I'm having the grandest time watching the melee'. And it's even a Full Moon tonight, what a coincidence?

A pox be upon all y'all's houses, and 'ya might wanna get that looked at' !
