The "Powers that Be" / Disciples of Rothschild
Or 'Disciples of Rhodes' if you prefer, to be hereafter referred to as the "PtB/DoR", are a surly and cynical bunch, but then History has given them good reason to be so. Not only through their occasional failures, but also their countless successes. And to give them their proper due, managing "the World" is a damn big job, and they are very good at it.
Any thorough reading of historical "events", since the beginning of the incorporation of Mono-theism into the apparatus of the "State", will reveal the development and evolution of a common thread.
It is the use of power to accumulate more power, always well and duly hidden behind a facade.
The task of the PtB/DoR is to "manage" events, making 'things' happen on purpose (MIHOP), letting 'things' happen on purpose (LIHOP), and most importantly, reacting to 'things' that happen beyond their ability to prevent, so that no irrevocable deviation can be born and grow away from their intended path toward their contemporary and ultimate goals.
To preserve power is always the first and foremost concern.
To expand that power, sometimes in rapid leaps, but most often in a steady, determined manner, is also a constant driving force, but secondary. It includes a truth, learned over centuries, that in order to acquire more power, it is more effective to hide behind a well-constructed facade or "conceit", whether it be a Church, King, Army, Bank, Corporation, or State.
Especially when they are in combination or collaboration. What powerful institution's guiding principles or a Leader's public pronouncements could withstand serious inquiry?
And being prepared to "steer" reactions to truly unforeseen events, few as they are, is the hallmark of the ability of the PtB/DoR to perpetuate itself, for even the best engineered plans often go askew.
As I said, they are very good at what they do.
Have a look at the course of events over the past dozen centuries and you will find countless happenings that seem to make no sense. Rest assured they made sense to the PtB/DoR.
Ever wonder why 3/4 of the world went to war in 1914, resulting in the deaths of dozens of millions of people from combat, disease, displacement, ensuing civil wars etc., and all because some crank shot some prince?
They would have you believe it is "complicated", when it is in fact quite simple. It was planned and prepared for, by many nations, spending hundreds of millions in diverted, and most importantly, borrowed currencies, and only required a "spark" to initiate it.
Why would Japan, locked in a bitter land war on the Asian continent, send it's navy halfway across the Pacific to attack the naval forces of the world's largest industrial power?
Hubris? Miscalculation? Greed? Desperation? Minimally. They were goaded, guided, and enabled, in the most successful MIHOP operation in history.
The dramatic "bookend" to Pearl Harbor was the atomic attacks upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Purported to be "to save lives", it was really the equivalent of an animal "marking it's territory" and the opening shots of the new "Cold War" which worked more like a "Hot Truce".
Truman's actions and the prescribed Soviet reactions, enabled the largest, most rapid, and transformational power accumulation and expansion in History. Not only in the U.S.' new "National Security State", unbound by the Constitution, but also across 80% of the world, local and regional powers were centralized and militarized, as states and leaders took sides, courted favor, and received "support" from the "antagonists".
The ability of a state to thwart economic depression via military-industrial-governmental collaboration, predicated upon deterring a foreign "threat", was dramatically demonstrated in the 1930's by Hitler's Germany. It became the model for the "SuperPowers" for four decades.
Why would Ronald Reagan, avowed lifelong anti-Communist, initiate, negotiate, and sign Nuclear arms reduction treaties with the, as he described, "Evil Empire"?
An over-arching humanitarian compassion, previously un-revealed in his nature, was the 'official' story line. When it's true function was to enable the Soviet Union to maintain it's economic and political viability, thus perpetuating the "Cold War" dichotomy, begun by Truman, on a more sustainable level.
This was a "bookend" also, though unintentional. The collapse and splintering of the Soviet Union was one of the rare strategic failures of the PtB/DoR, but they were ready with a replacement. The groundwork having been carefully laid, piece by piece, over the previous twenty years and requiring only another few pieces in the next twelve years to bring it onto the stage, fully "functional" and equipped to last a generation or two.
Radical Islamism.
end part one.