Allow me a word or two on the subject of same-sex marriages, as I believe they will be words you have not heard before.
Recognizing and sanctioning Same-Sex marriages would establish a most unusual situation within U.S. criminal law, as it has been historically practiced, whereby one spouse cannot be compelled to testify against the other.
And if the religious right is correct in their assertion that the next step in the culture wars following legalization of same-sex marriage would be the legalization of polygamy, the complications for the U.S. criminal codes would be, pardon the pun, multiplied many fold.
Just imagine, if you will, with same-sex marriage legalized, that two gentlemen conspire to rob a bank, get caught, and in the interim between capture and trial, get married? Under current U.S. laws, they could not be compelled to testify against each other.
And if polygamy becomes legal? Well, the boys from some future Enron (and rest assured there will be another one) would have had plenty of time to get divorces, and then marry each other.
That's Silly, you say? Yes, but laws allowing double-jeopardy, "hate crimes", etc. are already in practice. Which likely means that on the day that same-sex marriages become the law of the land, (and they will) the long-standing principle that a spouse cannot be compelled to testify against the other, will be erased from the U.S. codes. (of course, a cynic like me believes that is part of the plan)
Thus when a new "right" comes into existence, an old one will be discarded. Further empowering the Government while simultaneously undermining the sanctity of the 'family'.
My oh my, and you thought the PATRIOT ACT was "tricky"?
stephenhsmith 06.06.06