W promised to spend his political capital after his election in 2004, and he is keeping his word. It's all gone, except for the 'bully pulpit' and those "plenary" powers of a Commander-in-Chief during 'wartime'. (Though it is not actually 'wartime'. Wars require declarations by Congress, concerted efforts toward specific goals by the entire populace, and concurring sacrifices) And, as Bill Hicks told us fifteen years ago, "a WAR is when TWO armies fight". Whereas, U.S. forces now find themselves confronting a low-budget, rag-tag assembly of imported religious fanatics and dispossessed malcontents eager to retain a small portion of their former dictatorial power. And with their AK-47's and IED's, they have successfully thwarted the efforts of hundreds of thousands of troops, costing hundreds of billions of dollars.
And after five years, W remains undeterred. But then why should he be?
To the people who purchased his oval office for him, W has been a fantastic investment. To the bankers, W's policies have rewarded them with government debts that will last a generation (with their perpetual interest payments to the shareholders of the member banks of the Federal Reserve). To the OIL men, both foreign and domestic, W has repaid them a thousand fold through war, debt, tax policy, energy policy, and political instability that exacerbates the law of 'supply and demand' to the benefit (profit) of all concerned. (with the exception perhaps of Iraq's electric power suppliers)
Which just leaves the Weapons manufacturers waiting their turn at the big trough. Yes, they've done well in the past half-decade, but not nearly as good as the Bankers and OIL jockies. (and you can imagine the jealous rage that engenders?) But not to fear, W has not forsaken them. Their day is coming. For W has a way to satisfy all three at the same time.
During his last thousand days in office, W will continue to supply the Bankers and OIL'ers with the deficits and market stresses necessary to keep the record profits rolling in, while adding the critical third component for the beloved, but not forgotten, Missile makers.
A Nuclear IRAN !
Despite the rhetoric, (it helps keep the OIL prices up) W has no intention of attacking Iran. Indeed, quite the opposite. W's most favorite special-interest, (if not movie) is STAR WARS! The boldest money-making scheme devised by the Military-Industrial-Financial-Congressional Complex ever. Nevermind whether it actually works or not. It is a supply the U.S. weapons makers have that needs a demand. A demand that would compel dozens of countries to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to acquire. And thus,... a Nuclear IRAN.
And of course, the threat posed by a Nuclear IRAN would require a permanent U.S. military presence in Iraq, which would continue to benefit the Bankers and OIL'ers, as well as the STAR Warriors for years beyond the end of W's term in 2009.
Thus there is no need to worry about another 'war' with Iran. But on the other hand, if you are counting on that Social Security check to take care of you after say, 2013?
Well, it won't even pay for your gas.
stephenhsmith 5may2006